All children achieving their goals!
SMART Improvement training, coaching, tools and resources help Head Start and Early Head Start programs realize this vision, preparing all children for school, closing equity gaps now to reduce opportunity gaps later.
Our work with Head Start and Early Head Start Programs is designed to help you:
- Build trust
- Focus on the things that matter by utilizing your school readiness and other data
- Foster collaboration
- Create a culture of reflection
- Seek and apply effective practices that address your Greatest Area of Need
Virtual Professional Development for your Team
Team Tools for Building Trust – Three workshops from which to choose:
- Assess Your Team Effectiveness
- Use the Affinity Process to Focus Brainstorming
- Ask the “Cotter Question” to Create Team Norms
Participate in one, two or all three of our 45-minute virtual workshops. Send a team or attend as an individual. For details regarding the very reasonable cost and schedule of workshop offerings, please contact Kiett Takkunen via or 608-628-2797.
Resources shared during the 2020 Early Head Start Institute
New resources for your virtual teams and work realities:
Resources from our workshop at the RIVHSA Conference:
We also draw upon a variety of tools found in The Handbook for SMART School Teams.

Led by our highly qualified teachers and program specialists, our work together will be engaging and relevant, and aligned with the Head Start standards for professional development.
Start a conversation with Kiett Takkunen about the best combination of training, coaching and support for your Program. or 608-628-2797
Pictured below, participants at a Head Start Leadership Conference are recording and reflecting on the results of their SMART Program Self-Assessment.