2014-15 WI SMART School Academy in Hudson

Hudson School District will host the Northern Wisconsin Academy

Training Dates in 2014 and 2015

September 29 & 30 (note change in the first two training dates made on March 19)

November 12 & 13

December 10 & 11

March 11 & 12

Location – Hudson, Wisconsin

Hudson School District logo





Symposia, Coaching, and Academy Resources

Online symposia and team coaching will be synchronized with the 8 days of training during the Academy year. The Academy will kick off with an online orientation that also sets up the initial training dates in September. Online symposia will be scheduled prior to each of the other three sets of training dates to reflect on progress and prepare members for the subsequent training. Around training events, teams will work with their assigned Master SMART Coach for support.

The Trainers and Coaches for the Academy will be announced soon.

The Academy will have a dedicated Web portal where resources and assignments will be archived and shared. Each Academy participant will receive training materials and two of our books:

Handbook 2nd Edition Cover      Power of SMART Goals cover

Learner Outcomes

Graduates of the Wisconsin SMART School Academy will be able to:

  • Determine a school’s Greatest Area of Need (GAN)
  • Write a SMART School Improvement goal
  • Use SMART Targets to monitor progress toward the goal
  • Lead the SMART School Improvement Process
  • Coach teams and individuals in the use of SMART methods and tools
  • Run effective meetings
  • Utilize and apply their new skills in data analysis, collaboration, and coaching

Cost, registration and additional information

The cost of the Academy is $3200 per team member. Teams of two or more are required, due to the design of the Academy and in order to build district capacity. There is also a district license fee of $500 for use of all materials and updates for the two years after the Academy. The district license fee is waived for teams of 3 or more.

To register for this Academy, please print, complete and send the registration form:

Registration form for 2014-2015 Wisconsin Academies

Four documents containing additional insights about this Academy are linked below. For details and questions, please contact:

Kiett TeamKiett Takkunen, Director of Opportunities







2014-2015 Wisconsin SMART School Academy in Hudson – Flyer

2014-2015 Wisconsin SMART School Academy in Hudson – Description

2014-2015 Wisconsin SMART School Academy in Hudson – Why have a SMART Trainer and Coach

2014-2015 Wisconsin SMART School Academy in Hudson – FAQs


  • Where there is no vision there is no hope.

  • The SMART School Academy is truly a worthwhile investment in district and school improvement. A coaching model is essential for the institutionalization of any initiative. Learning the tools of the SMART School Improvement Process and simultaneously developing coaching skills will surely support and nurture our district’s vision for continuous improvement.

  • It is not enough to do your best; you must know what to do, and then do your best.

  • Be bold!

  • . . . the most powerful professional development I’ve ever gone through.

  • Your process is the glue that holds everything we are doing to improve schools and student learning together.